Time and Time Again Throwing Caution to the Wind





a. Careful forethought to avert danger or harm.

b. Close attention or vigilance to minimize risk: The machine proceeded over the rickety bridge with caution.

ii. Prudence or restraint in action or decision: advised circumspection in choosing a schoolhouse.

3. A warning or admonishment, especially to take heed: I received a caution from the doctor about fat in my diet.

4. A cautious action; a precaution: The climbers took the necessary cautions in preparing for the ascent.

five. Informal One that is striking or alarming.

v. cau·tioned, cau·tion·ing, cau·tions

v. tr.

To warn or admonish: cautioned him non to become pond alone; cautioned that the findings were not conclusive.

v. intr.

To give a warning or admonishment: cautioned confronting overeating.

[Middle English caucioun, from Old French circumspection, from Latin cautiō , cautiōn-, from cautus, past participle of cavēre, to have care.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 past Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. All rights reserved.




1. care, forethought, or prudence, esp in the face up of danger; wariness

ii. something intended or serving equally a warning; admonition

three. (Law) police chiefly Brit a formal warning given to a person suspected or defendant of an offence that his or her words will be taken down and may be used in prove

4. (Law) a notice entered on the annals of title to land that prevents a proprietor from disposing of his or her country without a notice to the person who entered the circumspection

5. informal an agreeable or surprising person or affair: she's a real caution.


vi. (tr) to urge or warn (a person) to be careful

7. (Law) (tr) police force chiefly Brit to give a caution to (a person)

8. (intr) to warn, urge, or propose: he cautioned against optimism.

[C13: from Onetime French, from Latin cautiō, from cavēre to beware]

ˈcautioner n

Collins English Dictionary – Consummate and Unabridged, twelfth Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈkɔ ʃən)


ane. alertness and prudence in a chancy situation; care: Proceed with circumspection.

2. a warning against danger or evil; anything serving equally a warning.

three. a person or thing that astonishes or causes balmy apprehension: often used humorously.


iv. to advise or urge to take heed.


5. to give a alarm: to caution confronting overoptimism.

[1250–1300; < Latin cautiō taking precautions]

cau′tion•er, due north.

Random Firm Kernerman Webster's Higher Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Meet Likewise: BEHAVIOR

  1. Chary as a feral cat —John Yount
  2. Careful as a cat walking on eggshells —American colloquialism, attributed to New England
  3. Carries information technology [a plant] as if information technology's fabricated of Steuben drinking glass —Ann Beattie
  4. Bear … like a hot tureen —Eudora Welty
  5. Caution flowed over the [phone] wire like a wave —Robert M. Coates
  6. Circumspection, like that of a wild brute that is fierce but feeble or like that of an insect whose piffling fragment of globe has given manner, and made it break in a palsy of distrust —George Eliot
  7. Cautious as a burglar walking over a tin roof in cowhide boots —Wallace Irwin
  8. Cautious equally a good housekeeper —Honore de Balzac
  9. Cautious as a tightrope walker with a astringent itch —Anon

    This is still another perversion of the popular "Decorated every bit a i-armed paperhanger" comparison.

    Encounter Also: BUSYNESS

  10. Cautious equally his gray adapt —John Dancy, NBC-TV, about Robert Gates at CIA confirmation hearings, April, 1987
  11. Cautiously, like a human being handling sixteenth-century lace —Roald Dahl
  12. Choosy as a stud in a harem —Mike Sommer
  13. Discreet … as if y'all're trying to tail yourself —William Mcllvanney
  14. Going as if he trod upon eggs —Robert Burton
  15. Like a weight-watcher at the feast of San Gennaro, I just nibbled a bit —Lenoard M. Heine, Jr., commenting on his cautious stock purchases when others were investing freely, quoted Wall Street Journal column by Vartanig Grand. Vartan, Jan 19, 1987
  16. Peeped out carefully like a mole from its pigsty —Derek Walcott
  17. Picked upwards the pieces equally carefully as if they were cuttings from the Koh-i-noor —Israel Zangwill
  18. Picking his words like a man making his manner through a minefield —Donald Seaman
  19. Progressed similar a man tracing and following a chalk line —Frank Swinnerton
  20. A prudent human being is similar a pin; his caput prevents him from going also far —Anon
  21. Should be used with discretion, like cayenne pepper —Betimes
  22. And then wary that he sleeps like a hare, with his eyes open —Thomas Fuller
  23. Timid as hares —Anton Chekhov
  24. To take all yous want is never as adept as to stop when you should —Lao Tzu
  25. (We must) treat him similar Dresden china —Nikolai Five. Gogol
  26. Wary equally a bullheaded horse —Thomas Fuller
  27. Wary as a pickpocket'due south confidence that the policeman on the shell will stay bought —H. L. Mencken

    This is slightly inverse from Mencken'due south original words which identified the pickpocket as an American.

  28. Watched what he said as advisedly as if he were in courtroom —John Updike

Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: cautioned
Gerund: cautioning
I circumspection
you caution
he/she/it cautions
we caution
you lot caution
they caution
I cautioned
yous cautioned
he/she/it cautioned
we cautioned
yous cautioned
they cautioned
Present Continuous
I am cautioning
yous are cautioning
he/she/it is cautioning
we are cautioning
you are cautioning
they are cautioning
Present Perfect
I accept cautioned
y'all have cautioned
he/she/it has cautioned
we have cautioned
you have cautioned
they have cautioned
Past Continuous
I was cautioning
you were cautioning
he/she/it was cautioning
we were cautioning
y'all were cautioning
they were cautioning
Past Perfect
I had cautioned
you had cautioned
he/she/it had cautioned
we had cautioned
yous had cautioned
they had cautioned
I will caution
you will caution
he/she/information technology will caution
we will caution
you will caution
they volition caution
Future Perfect
I will have cautioned
you volition have cautioned
he/she/it will have cautioned
we volition take cautioned
yous volition have cautioned
they will take cautioned
Future Continuous
I will exist cautioning
you volition be cautioning
he/she/information technology volition be cautioning
we will be cautioning
you will be cautioning
they will be cautioning
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been cautioning
yous have been cautioning
he/she/information technology has been cautioning
we have been cautioning
you have been cautioning
they have been cautioning
Futurity Perfect Continuous
I will accept been cautioning
you will accept been cautioning
he/she/information technology will have been cautioning
nosotros will take been cautioning
yous will take been cautioning
they will take been cautioning
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been cautioning
you had been cautioning
he/she/information technology had been cautioning
we had been cautioning
you had been cautioning
they had been cautioning
I would caution
you would caution
he/she/it would circumspection
we would circumspection
you would circumspection
they would circumspection
Past Conditional
I would have cautioned
you would have cautioned
he/she/information technology would take cautioned
we would accept cautioned
you would have cautioned
they would have cautioned

Collins English language Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:

Noun ane. caution - the trait of being cautious caution - the trait of being cautious; beingness attentive to possible danger; "a man of caution"

carefulness, cautiousness

attentiveness - the trait of existence observant and paying attention

incaution, incautiousness - the trait of forgetting or ignoring possible danger

2. circumspection - a warning against certain acts; "a caveat against unfair practices"


warning - a message informing of danger; "a warning that still more bombs could explode"

3. caution - judiciousness in avoiding damage or danger; "he exercised caution in opening the door"; "he handled the vase with care"

care, forethought, precaution

judiciousness - good judgment

4. caution - the trait of being circumspect and prudent


precaution - the trait of practicing caution in advance

chariness, wariness - the trait of being cautious and watchful

discernment, discretion - the trait of judging wisely and objectively; "a man of discernment"

Verb 1. caution - warn strongly caution - warn strongly; put on guard

monish, chide

warn - notify of danger, potential harm, or risk; "The manager warned him that he might be fired"; "The physician warned me near the dangers of smoking"

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart drove. © 2003-2012 Princeton Academy, Farlex Inc.



one. care, discretion, heed, prudence, vigilance, alertness, forethought, caution, watchfulness, chugalug and braces, carefulness, heedfulness Drivers are urged to exercise farthermost caution in icy weather.
care daring, carelessness, recklessness, imprudence, rashness


1. warn, urge, advise, alert, tip off, forewarn, put you on your baby-sit Banks caution young couples against opening articulation banking company accounts. reprimand, warn, admonish, requite an injunction to The two men were cautioned merely the police force say they will not be charged.

"You should know a man seven years before you stir his burn"
"Once bitten, twice shy"

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. Conscientious forethought to avoid impairment or run a risk:

2. Cautious attentiveness:

three. The exercise of adept judgment or common sense in applied matters:

iv. Advice to beware, equally of a person or thing:


To notify (someone) of imminent danger or take a chance:

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


opatrnost varování varovat výstraha

forsigtighed advare advarsel

varovaisuus huolellisuus huomio neuvo neuvoa


figyelmeztet figyelmeztetés óv óvadék óvás

áminna áminning gætni, varfærni



įspėjantis įspėjimas pamokomas

brīdinājums brīdināt

pozor previdnost



sự thận trọng



A. N

3. he's a caution (o.f.) (= amusing) → es un tío divertidísimo; (= odd) → es united nations tío muy raro

B. VT to caution sb (Brit) (Police) → amonestar a algn
to circumspection sb confronting doing sthadvertir a algn que no haga algo

Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




(= alarm) (from the police, the authorities)avertissement m


[police] mettre en garde un suspect, au moment de son arrestation, que tout ce qu'il dira pourra être retenu contre lui

Collins English language/French Electronic Resources. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

Collins German Lexicon – Complete and Entire 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈkɔːʃdue north]

two. vt to caution sb (subj, official) → ammonire qn; (policeman) → diffidare qn
to caution sb confronting doing sth → diffidare qn dal fare qc

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈkoːʃən) noun

1. carefulness (because of possible danger etc). Practice caution when crossing this road. versigtigheid, omsigtigheid احْتِراسٌ، حَذَرٌ внимание cuidado opatrnost die Vorsicht forsigtighed προσοχή, προφύλαξη cautela, precaución, prudencia ettevaatus احتیاط varovaisuus prudence זהירות सावधानी oprez óvatosság berhati-hati gætni, varfærni cautela, prudenza 用心 주의 atsargumas piesardzība dengan berhati-hati voorzichtigheid forsiktighet, varsomhet ostrożność احتیاط cuidado prudenţă осторожность opatrnosť previdnost oprez försiktighet ความระมัดระวัง dikkat, özen, ihtimam 小心 обережність; обачність احتیاط کا رویہ sự thận trọng 小心

2. in constabulary, a alarm. The policeman gave him a caution for speeding. waarskuwing تَحْذيرٌ предупреждение repreensão varování, výstraha die Warnung advarsel σύσταση advertencia hoiatus هشدار؛ تذکر varoitus avertissement אזהרה चेतावनी opreznost figyelmeztetés peringatan áminning avvertimento, ammonimento 警告 경고 įspėjimas brīdinājums memperingatkan waarschuwing advarsel ostrzeżenie اخطار repreensão avertisment предупреждение výstraha opomin opomena varning, tillrättavisning การตักเตือน uyarı, ikaz 警告 застереження, попередження تنبیہہ ، آگاہی cảnh cáo 警告


to give a alert to. He was cautioned for drunken driving. waarsku يُحَذِّرُ предупреждавам repreender varovat warnen advare προειδοποιώ advertir hoiatust tegema هشدار دادن؛ تذکر دادن varoittaa avertir לְהַזהִיר चेतावनी देना upozoriti figyelmeztet memperingatkan áminna avvertire 警告する 경고를 주다 įspėti brīdināt amaran waarschuwen advare, bli advart ostrzegać اخطار ورکول repreender a avertiza делать предупреждение varovať opomniti opomenuti varna, tillrättavisa เตือน uymak, ikaz etmek 警告 робити попередження خبردار کرنا cảnh báo 警告

ˈcautionary describing word

waarskuwend تَحْذيري، تَنْبيهِي предупредителен acautelador varovný, výstražný vorsichtig advarende; advarsels- προειδοποιητικός aleccionador hoiatav هشدار آمیز varoittava d'avertissement מַתרֶה सलाह या चेतावनी upozorenje figyelmeztető peringatan aðvörunar- ammonitore 警告の 경계의 pamokomas, įspėjantis brīdinošs peringatan waarschuwend advarende ostrzegawczy اخطار آمیز acautelador de avertisment предупреждающий výstražný opozorilen opominjući varnande, varnings- ที่ให้คำแนะนำหรือคำเตือน uyarıcı, ikaz edici 告誡的 попереджувальний, застережний ہوشیاری، تنبیہی ، چوکسی để báo trước 告诫的

ˈcautious adjective

having or showing circumspection; careful. She used to trust anybody but she'south more cautious now; a cautious commuter. versigtig; behoedsaam; omsigtig حَذِر، مُحْتَرِس предпазлив cuidadoso opatrný, obezřetný vorsichtig forsigtig προσεκτικός cauteloso, prudente, cauto ettevaatlik محتاط varovainen prudent זהיר सावधान, चौकस oprezan óvatos hati-hati varfærinn cauto, prudente 用心深い 신중한 atsargus piesardzīgs waspada voorzichtig, behoedzaam forsiktig, forbeholden ostrożny محتاط، محتاطانه cuidadoso pru­paring, precaut осторожный opatrný previden oprezan försiktig ซึ่งรอบคอบ dikkatli, tedbirli 謹慎的 обережний; передбачливий چوکنا ، خبردار cẩn trọng 谨慎的

ˈcautiously adverb

Kernerman English Multilingual Lexicon © 2006-2013 M Dictionaries Ltd.


حَذَر opatrnost forsigtighed Vorsicht σύνεση cautela varovaisuus prudence oprez cautela 注意 조심 voorzichtigheid varsomhet ostrożność cautela осторожность försiktighet การตักเตือน önlem sự thận trọng 小心

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. advertencia, precaución, cautela.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


Source: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/throw+caution+to+the+wind

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